(VIDEO!) 12 Million Americans Believe Reptilians Are Running U.S. Government…

Some Conspiracy Nuts Think Obama was one! Do you?

In 1999, former BBC sports writer and so-called “son of God” David Icke released his book, “The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World.” In the book, Icke makes the bold claim that society is controlled by humanoid reptiles called Reptilians. Of course, people read the book and it sat on the shelves as science fiction, right? Wrong. While it may seem like an outrageous conspiracy theory, 12 million Americans actually believe that it’s true.

There are two main schools of thought on where the Reptilians came from. Some believe that they evolved on Earth, left the planet after mastering intergalactic travel, and then returned millions of years later. Others believe they originated in the Draco constellations and came to Earth thousands of years ago to share our planet, eventually going “undercover.” They interbreed with humans by altering our DNA in a way that prevents us from using our brain to its full capacity, making us easier to control.
The altering of our DNA also makes people susceptible to possession by Reptilians who ‘live outside our realm of awareness in the lower fourth dimension.’ These demigods were able to gain power in ancient civilizations like Babylon and Mesopotamia and eventually spread into many royal families. By expanding their power, the Reptilians have created a global prison, which we don’t notice because we’re too distracted by media and our food is poisoned.
All of this was done to make sure the Reptilians control humankind and the planet.
Icke believes there is a hierarchy within the Reptilians—especially between full-bloods and crossbreeds. Full-bloods are aware they are Reptilians and can change forms between their human exterior and their Reptilian skin. Hybrids, or crossbreds, are not aware that they are Reptilian and believe they are humans but are controlled from the lower fourth dimensions to push forward the New World Order.
Here’s how to spot a Reptilian, according to one source. The common signs are:
– Predominance of green or hazel eyes that change color like a chameleon, but also blue eyes
– Piercing eyes
– True red or reddish hair
– A sense of not belonging to the human race
– Low blood pressure
– Deep compassion for fate of mankind
– Keen sight or hearing
– Psychic abilities
– Unexplained scars on body
– UFO connections
– Capability to disrupt electrical appliances
– Love of space and science

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